23 [Expert] How to Optimise Your Career Site for Conversions with Employee Stories | Brie Mason
Talking Talent LiveMay 21, 202400:33:31

23 [Expert] How to Optimise Your Career Site for Conversions with Employee Stories | Brie Mason

In this episode of the VMJ Pod, Brittany Anderson interviews Brie Mason, the founder of Employer Brand Mason, on activating an employee value proposition (EVP) through an organisation's career site. They explore the critical role a content-rich career site plays in conveying your EVP and share best practices for optimising it to boost candidate conversion.

Jump to key highlights:

- The career site serves as the "storefront" for showcasing your employer brand and EVP to candidates (00:02:07).
- Many companies have insufficient quality and depth of content on their career sites to effectively communicate their EVP (00:06:58).
- Real employee stories and perspectives add credibility and help candidates envision life at your company (00:12:29). Go "deep" on each aspect of your EVP with detailed content (00:13:39).
- Measure and understand where high candidate drop-off rates are occurring in your site's application process (00:25:40). Use this to optimize site experience.
- Conversion rate = # of applications generated from your site / total site visitors. This conversion rate is often surprisingly low (00:26:34).
- Employee advocacy, especially through video testimonials, is the #1 way to build an employer brand (00:16:52).